Sunday, March 30, 2014

Marriage is not easy, you must work at it.

Marriage is hard. I see divorce all around me. I do not want that for myself or my children. I also realize that it is easy to forget why you got married, when you are going through so much. Life throws everything it has at you. The one thing that is supposed to make it easier, except for Faith in God, is your partner. The person you vowed to love, honor and cherish.

When you are in survival mode, you forget the important things. You need to nourish your marriage and you partner. You end up moving through the days, rarely seeing each other, except in passing. This is no way to foster your marriage. But that is what we have been doing.

As part of our journey to move out of survival mode, we are looking at ways to improve our marriage. To find love again. To find those things that seem to have been pushed so far down, that you forget they are there.

Dave Ramsey has recommended a book called "Boundaries", by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. They also have a book called "Boundaries in Marriage". This weekend I decided that I would like to read them, so off to Half-Price Books we went. I found the one for marriage, but they were out of the regular one. Hubby was pretty excited about the, books and is looking forward to reading them too. It just goes to show, that we both feel there is room for improvement. The key is, we both WANT to improve.

While at the book store, we picked up a few other books. "21 Days to a Great Marriage", also by Cloud/Townsend, and "More than Enough", by Dave Ramsey.

I will be doing weekly posts about what we are learning and what we are doing to revamp our marriage. I hope you take this time to reflect on what you could be doing better for yourself and your partner.

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