Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday Showers, Happy Mommy

I was awoken this morning by drizzling outside my window and cuddles from my youngest. Bekah had wanted some morning cuddles and I was very happy to oblige. To look down at my baby in my arms and have her looking up at me with a smile on her face, well that is the best reward a mother could have. If you had seen us a week ago, you would see her clinging to her daddy and me begging for her to come cuddle with me. To have her finally want ME, is huge.

Bekah and I had fun grilling burgers for lunch. We actually met a neighbor who has a two year old. She lives across the way and she sat out on the balcony while we sat on ours. It was a lot of fun. One thing I know that is important for stay at home mom's is to develop a branch of friends. You need to maintain adult contact so you do not go mad. Being an introvert of sorts, this is a little difficult. But I am really working to burst out of my bubble and make friends. I have collected numbers from Sarah's friends moms. I plan to develop play dates all throughout the summer.

I am so happy that Bekah and I are having this time together. Sarah and I have always been close (except for her first year when it was all about Daddy). We have been concerned about her language skills. Her tongue was tied when she was born. It was so bad that the skin below it came all the way to the top of her tongue causing it to appear heart shaped. When they fixed it, we were afraid they fixed it too well. She has a Gene Simmons tongue now. As far as her language goes, she mumbles a lot. She can say some words perfectly, but other's are very hard to understand.

I have been working on making sure she doesn't have her pacifier except for bedtime. I am having her repeat a lot of things to me. When we are playing, I have her repeat colors and shapes. When she says something to me, I have her repeat it until she gets it right. Hubby told me that her language has exploded this week. Not to say anything against the fantastic school she was at, but when you are one on one you can do more intense education.

I am signing her up for ABC Mouse today. I will also be taking her to Gymboree next week. Adding on a library visit during story time. I will be signing my oldest up for some sort of activity at the local recreation center. She wants to take swimming, so I will have to see about that. We will also take weekly field trips based on lessons I will be giving the girls throughout the summer. She also has a goal to read 20 books this summer. For each book, she will have to write a one page book report on it. Just because a child is at home, does not mean they cannot get an education. I am so happy that I get to be a part of their life.

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